March 21, 2012 by

Spring has arrived!

Spring has arrived! Today the first sods were turned on Five Acre Community Farm as we ploughed in some of our winter leys and power harrowed three plots (see pictures); they will be prepared in the next week or so to receive potatoes, alliums and various salad and leaf crops like chard and beet. At the same time we have now sown an extensive range of brassicas including summer cabbage, calabrese and khol rabi as well as a few lesser know favourites like celeriac. In addition the polytunnel crops (tomato, chilli peppers, peppers and cucumbers are beginning to emerge in the glasshouse. Look out for upcoming workdays to prepare the polytunnels, sow more seed and plant potatoes and onion sets.


Come along and speak to us in Wolston on Thursday evening (7:30pm, Village Hall, 22 March) or visit us at the Get Set Grow event at Garden Organic (from whom we are renting the field) on Saturday (24th March from 10:00 am).

Interested in a vegetable share? Get in touch!